Deborah A. Cecere

Deborah A. Cecere was born and raised in New York and has lived in Germany and worked in the publishing industry for over 30 years. She is a freelance professional copyeditor, who specializes in academic writings in the humanities, fiction, creative nonfiction, cookbooks, and food writing.

Blog posts by Deborah A. Cecere:

Independent Nonprofit, Noncorporate, Noncommercial Global News: Democracy Now! Celebrates 25 Years on the Air
“From New York – this – is Democ­ra­cy Now!” With this icon­ic phrase, Amy Good­man opens each hour-long broadcast. What is an inde­pen­dent, non­prof­it, non­cor­po­rate, non­com­mer­cial … Continue reading Independent Nonprofit, Noncorporate, Noncommercial Global News: Democracy Now! Celebrates 25 Years on the Air

On Bloomsday, Dublin Comes to Many U.S. Cities or ‘Milly Bloom Also Has a Few Words to Say’
What does the nov­el Ulysses (1922) by James Joyce (1882–1941) have to do with Amer­i­can Stud­ies? The answer is sim­ple: Blooms­day is an annu­al lit­er­ary fes­ti­val … Continue reading On Bloomsday, Dublin Comes to Many U.S. Cities or ‘Milly Bloom Also Has a Few Words to Say’